Users of this website acknowledge that they are doing business directly with the business this website promotes and Rated Local Businesses sole function is to promote a business that has agreed to uphold every promise made in the advertising on this website. Rated Local Businesses closely monitors customer feedback and will cease to promote any business that fails to meet the standards we demand of them. Even though all customers will be dealing directly with any businesses we promote Rated Local Businesses wish to be informed immediately if you ever have any concerns about any business we promote. Rated Local Businesses are able to provide a mediation service if required. It is acknowledged that while 100% satisfaction 100% of the time is what we strive for: it is not always possible to deliver. However should anything unexpected or unsatisfactory occur: every business we promote assures us that they will rectify the situation to the customers’ satisfaction in a timely manner. Any business that repeatedly fails to demonstrate only the best workmanship and customer service will cease being promoted so you can be confident that we do everything within our capability to give you a brand that provides a service you can trust and rely upon.Â